Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Topic 5

Islamic Fundamentalism

1) What are the three reasons given by Usamah Bin-Laden for a Jihad against Jews and American Crusaders? (What is a Jihad?)
2) What religious ruling (fatwa) is ordered in this same document?
3) What was the stated aim of the attacks in Mombasa, Kenya?
4) How do the Muslim people of Mombasa feel about the Americas whose Navy vessels dock there?
5) In recent years, what percentage of U.S. aid to Israel has gone to the Israeli military? How much does this amount to each year?

Common Questions: Focus on the attacks in Kenya

1) Who was the group?
2) Where were they from?
3) What was their motivation? (cause?)
4) What did they do? (the Act?)
5) What happened immediately? (the result of the Act?) (# of deaths or casualties or type of damage)
6) What, if any, were the long-term outcomes of the Act?
7) Did the end justify the means? (did the outcome make the act okay?)
8) Do you believe this was an act of terrorism or a fight for freedom? 

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