Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Topic 6

The State of Israel

1) What were the goals of the 'Committee X?'
2) What did Mike Harari want those involved in the Munich Massacre to feel?
3) Survey the list of Hamas terrorist attacks and describe what happened.
4) How many separate terrorist attacks does Israeli Foreign Minister Shalom say occurred in the past 3 and a half years?
5) What happened the day after Israel declared independence? What countries were involved?

Common Questions: Focus on the response to the 1972 Munich Olympic Massacre

1) Who was the group?
2) Where were they from?
3) What was their motivation? (cause?)
4) What did they do? (the Act?)
5) What happened immediately? (the result of the Act?) (# of deaths or casualties or type of damage)
6) What, if any, were the long-term outcomes of the Act?
7) Did the end justify the means? (did the outcome make the act okay?)
8) Do you believe this was an act of terrorism or a fight for freedom? 

Topic 5

Islamic Fundamentalism

1) What are the three reasons given by Usamah Bin-Laden for a Jihad against Jews and American Crusaders? (What is a Jihad?)
2) What religious ruling (fatwa) is ordered in this same document?
3) What was the stated aim of the attacks in Mombasa, Kenya?
4) How do the Muslim people of Mombasa feel about the Americas whose Navy vessels dock there?
5) In recent years, what percentage of U.S. aid to Israel has gone to the Israeli military? How much does this amount to each year?

Common Questions: Focus on the attacks in Kenya

1) Who was the group?
2) Where were they from?
3) What was their motivation? (cause?)
4) What did they do? (the Act?)
5) What happened immediately? (the result of the Act?) (# of deaths or casualties or type of damage)
6) What, if any, were the long-term outcomes of the Act?
7) Did the end justify the means? (did the outcome make the act okay?)
8) Do you believe this was an act of terrorism or a fight for freedom? 

Topic 3


1) What are some of the typical targets of Eco-saboteurs?
2) What book of fiction inspired the rise of eco-terrorism?
3) How do activities by 'elves' of the ELF relate to policies being considered by the Bush administration?
4) Why is it suggested that 'ecoterrorism' needs redefinition?
5) Give three examples of how non-violent civil disobedience has been used for positive ends at times in U.S. history.
6) Give three reasons why some people see SUVs as the main reason for the environmental crisis.

Focus on the acts committed by Adam Virden Blackwell, Aaron Labe Linas, and John Burton Wade.

1) Who was the group?
2) Where were they from?
3) What was their motivation? (cause?)
4) What did they do? (the Act?)
5) What happened immediately? (the result of the Act?) (# of deaths or casualties or type of damage)
6) What, if any, were the long-term outcomes of the Act?
7) Did the end justify the means? (did the outcome make the act okay?)
8) Do you believe this was an act of terrorism or a fight for freedom? 

List of references:

In case the link does not take you directly to the website, simpl copy and paste the http address in your browser

Topic 2

The Black Panthers

1) What were some of the most important of the 10 Points in the Panther's program?
2) What were the reasons for the arrests of Black Panthers in 1967?
3) Are the Black Panthers and Nat Turner's rebellions mostly similar or different? In what important ways?
4) By the end of 1969, how many children every day were fed through the efforts of the Black Panthers?
5) What happened to Fred Hampton in 1969? How many shots were fired and by whom?
6) What is the source for most of the references used by the KKK to argue for raciqal separation?
7) How did the Black Panthers' see Democracy in America? Do you think this is reasonable and logical? Explain.
Common Questions: Focus on the armed demonstration at the California state capital.

1) Who was the group?
2) Where were they from?
3) What was their motivation? (cause?)

4) What did they do? (the Act?)
5) What happened immediately? (the result of the Act?) (# of deaths or casualties or type of damage)
6) What, if any, were the long-term outcomes of the Act?
7) Did the end justify the means? (did the outcome make the act okay?)
8) Do you believe this was an act of terrorism or a fight for freedom? 

List of references:

Topic 1

Nelson Mandela & the ANC

1) What is apartheid?
2) What is the ANC?
3) What was Nelson Mandela's role in the Umkhonto we Sizwe?
4) How was the Umkhonto we Sizwe wing different from the general ANC?
5) What special award did Mandela receive in 1993?
6) What historic event took place in South Africa in 1994?

Common Questions: Focus on the Koeberg Nuclear power plant attack and Umkhonto we Sizwe
1) Who was the group?
2) Where were they from?
3) What was their motivation? (cause?)
4) What did they do? (the Act?)
5) What happened immediately? (the result of the Act?) (# of deaths or casualties or type of damage)
6) What, if any, were the long-term outcomes of the Act?
7) Did the end justify the means? (did the outcome make the act okay?)
8) Do you believe this was an act of terrorism or a fight for freedom?

List of references:
In case the link does not take you directly to the website, simpl copy and paste the http address in your browser

1.     http://www.anc.org.za/kids/main.php?include=../docs/kidstxt/2010/kidstxt0316a.html

2.     http://www.anc.org.za/ancdocs/history/mk/mk-history.html

3.     http://www.int.iol.co.za/index.php?click_id=79&art_id=vn20060311105842482C822914&set_id=1

4.     http://www.anc.org.za/ancdocs/history/manifesto-mk.html

5.     http://www.anc.org.za/ancdocs/history/or/or71-4.html

6.     http://www.anc.org.za/ancdocs/history/or/or65-1.html

7.     http://nobelprize.org/peace/laureates/1993/mandela-lecture.html

8.     http://legend54.blogspot.com/2010/01/nelson-mandela.html http://www.freedomarchives.org/audio_samples/Nelson_Mandela.html

9.     http://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/nelson-mandela-59.php

10.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_South_Africa

11.  http://www.worldstatesmen.org/South_African_homelands.html

12. http://www.speedysnail.com/textuary/apartheid.html --> International Moves Against Apartheid

Topic 4

The Oklahoma Bombing
1) Where was McVeigh in 1991?

2) What was inside the rental trucked parked outside the Murrah Building?

3) How did McVeigh support himself before the bombing?

4) What were Ruby Ridge and Waco and what impact did they have on McVeigh?

5) What happened to McVeigh in June, 2001?

Common Questions: Focus on the actual bombing of the Murrah Building
1) Who was the group?
2) Where were they from?
3) What was their motivation? (cause?)
4) What did they do? (the Act?)
5) What happened immediately? (the result of the Act?) (# of deaths or casualties or type of damage)
6) What, if any, were the long-term outcomes of the Act?
7) Did the end justify the means? (did the outcome make the act okay?)
8) Do you believe this was an act of terrorism or a fight for freedom? 

List of references: